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09 January 2016


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Christie, I thought Rawley was going to go home with you and start therapy. I thought your anxiety would soon be calmed. I thought he had a good chance of beating this, of forestalling the inevitable loss we suffer in the end. I thought he would be filling the dog bed, the jacket, out running with or away from Tim. That you would have another half-life with him, seven more years. I wish more than anything that what I thought was what would have happened, for you and him. My daughter lost her big beloved dog just before the holidays. Grief defies description.

Carol Lea Benjamin

You have to stop making me cry!

Lee Beck

awwwww.... so sorry Christie.... they have a way of becoming a big piece of our hearts.... condolences to you...

Cynthia Eardley



I'm very sorry to hear your sad news. Be seeing you, Rawley.

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