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02 April 2013


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I need a time machine so I can have my 8 year old self show this post to my Mom during one of our infamous canned spinach refusal/kids starving in China battles.

Peter Masloch

One has to learn to ignore and just concentrate on the things that are essential.


"Even if they are issues you care about or want to advocate for or want to support or oppose, they are distractions from the work of saving all healthy and treatable pets." I couldn't agree more. I had someone approach me at last year's No Kill Conference in Washington, D.C., saying she felt out of place because she's a Republican. We need everyone from all walks of life to help stop the killing of shelter pets.


I had someone say to me about THEIR community, "Is Nathan Winograd going to come HERE and solve this problem for us?"

Obviously they haven't been to the No Kill Advocacy Center website in a while. There's a whole "toolkit" people can use to reform your local animal control - http://www.nokilladvocacycenter.org/shelter-reform/toolkit/

MichelleAdams Antipetahsus

I have been told by these same no-kill haters and pro-kill activists that I should be advocating for all animals or my advocacy for domestic cats (and dogs) is basically worthless, that if I am not a "vegan" I am not truly an animal advocate, and that chickens who eat worms and other bugs are not "carnivores" or omnivores (but really vegetarians), because worms and other bugs are not "sentient". I suspect that many of these types of internet "animal activists" are really just a bunch of socially outcast 8-year-olds who sit in their bedroom all day on a computer keyboard in order to avoid their drunken female parent.

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