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08 August 2012


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OK, I'll jump in.

I hate snow and ice. I hate muggy summer weather.

Also, I have a hard time with the rampant conservatism that exists in most places except Ann Arbor.

There is a lot of beauty in Michigan. I miss the Ann Arbor Farmers Market on a crisp fall non-football Saturday. I miss thunderstorms. And if one can work from home like you do, it helps with avoiding both the crappy weather and crappy bigotry / conservatism. But not everyone has that ability.

I know many wonderful people from Michigan. Many of us live in northern CA now. :-)

Jon Dunn

I'm with you, Christie! You know I am also a recent transplant. And while I am on the west side (best side?) of the state, the same complex exists here.

I love it here. Seriously. Grand Rapids is an incredible town already, with a very bright future ahead.

And Mara - as for the weather it's not as bad as I thought it would be. The summer and fall here far more make up for it and I've actually started to enjoy shoveling snow. It's like a nice zen moment :)

And the conservatism? Eh, it's like every other place in the country. Liberal cities and conservative suburbs. The bigotry here certainly isn't any worse than anywhere else, and at least as GR goes, there are (mostly) healthy conversations about those sorts of things which is more than any other place I've lived.


If you're not on the lakes, the summers are truly appalling. The political situation is beyond obscene in its rampant disregard for people. The economy is in tatters. Even before that, I saw & experienced hiring practices that seemed designed to drive the creative class out of the state.
I love the land. I love the lakes beyond reason. It's still one of the most beautiful places Ive ever been. It's everything ON the land, though, that made it impossible for me to stay :-/


I've lived in Michigan since 2002 and right away I noticed that people born and raised in Michigan often have no idea how good they've got it. It is beautiful and has just about everything you could want in your backyard AND it's affordable. I can live better and cheaper in Michigan than almost anywhere. Most of the people who live here are pretty damn great too. Yeah, I could do with less Tea Partyesque Conservatives, but they've infiltrated just about every US State in the past couple of years. You can't get away from them ... even in California. I still rate Michigan in the top ten US States for quality of life. Even if I think we could use a bit more snow ;)


I live in Ohio and I cannot stand the winters, not because of the snow and ice but because of the lack of sun. I cannot stand that many cloudy days in a row.

Also stories like this about Detroit do not help: http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/news/city-of-strays-detroits-epidemic-of-50-000-wild-dogs-20120320


Thanks - as a born and raised Michiganian, I love Michigan and don't ever plan to live anywhere else. Every place has problems - we have some of the most beautiful country in the world. Hope you can get a trip to the UP in this fall - the colors are usually quite spectacular.

Now, if we could get Michigan Humane to get their shyte together and stop killing so many animals, that would be another plus.

Oh, and the MSU vet clinic is amazing and has given me some wonderful bonus time with my old girl.

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