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30 August 2012


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Lis Carey

That is just beyond words insane.

I think in many ways the digital world is addling publishers' heads. They see it as a chance to reverse the "errors" of the print world, that granted rights to writers and readers/viewers.

Liz Palika

!@#$%^&*!!!!! Grrrr.....

From another freelance writer!


That is horrible, and I'm sad to read about another corporation taking advantage of their (very talented) contractors.

Thank you for speaking up and sharing this information, which will help others and hopefully even unite contractors and affect change.


Throughout the universe. So they are generously giving you the chance to have a right to some thought you may have someday, in a different universe. And yet, you seem ungrateful.


I care. What can a consumer do to support freelance writers against such travesties? Do we boycott? Write letters? Send in our crappy writings so they can see what they're missing out on by alienating and neutering their talented freelance writers?


"whether or not reduced to writing or other tangible media"

Since no one can vacuum thoughts out of your brain yet, how are they going to uphold this? I guess they count on people Tweeting, Blogging their every thought.

And that bit about their "rights" to change, modify, revise, etc. your work in all perpetuity throughout the Universe is ridiculous.

They got the New Exploitation part right though.


Terrible abuse of power. Not to mention very Big Brother like.


Mindboggling! However, I doubt some of the grab ob rights and mental processes would be upheld in a court of law. For instance, in my field, insurance, it is common to sign a non-compete agreement that might try to forbid one from working in the profession. It won't pass the judge. You can work for yourself or anyone, you just can't go after clients from the former employer for a period of time.

That being said, it would be expensive to be the test case to bring Viacom back to a reasonable agreement. After all they're only paying for your work, not your soul.


I actually don't think Viacom would ever enforce this on me. But by signing it, I'm becoming complicit in a system by which writers are forced into these contracts. It's a moral issue for me, not just the possible repercussions for me personally, but the contract itself.

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