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14 April 2012


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So happy for you!

Liz Palika


Good for you.

I'm going through a similar journey after Paul's death. I'm still figuring out what, where, and how I'm going to move on but that's okay, too. The journey itself is liberating.


Surprised you decided to settle in Michigan as most of us Michiganians think the state is high in taxes and low in other amenities. Glad to have you residing here however. Welcome. My mom passed 26 yrs ago and I'm still not reconciled with it. We were together our entire lives. I'm also single with no kids. It's been a long uphill journey trying to see where and how I fit in. Still haven't found anything. Got up this morning really missing her and my dogs that have passed.


No matter where you go, whether you're up or you're down, I'll always love and admire you. Even when I say nothing, I'm thinking of you and supporting you from afar. Your strength is amazing and I'm so happy for you right this minute. ((Hugs))


Good on ya Christie!
Happy trails..........


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