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24 March 2012


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As of yesterday, volunteers are banned from PetPoint.

For several months I followed Partners of Arlington Animal Services after becoming encouraged by new management and shared on Facebook the kill-listed dogs. Cats are not available to share though they appear on the city's website scruffed, cowering, hissing and often gender unspecified. When inquiring about TNR I was told there is an ordinance against animals-at-large. Stray hold is 3 days. To my knowledge there has been only 1 offsite adoption event in several months. Currently a petition is being circulated to encourage the city to lower the $100 adoption fee. Volunteers become nervous when posts appear to criticize the shelter. My heart could not take the announcements of pets killed, the tears, the prayers, the send-offs to run free over the rainbow bridge and the constant blaming of the public.

I am unable to describe Arlington Animal Services as a "progressive shelter."


I agree with you Christie. This sign is just another example of shifting the blame for shelter killing to the public while failing to make programs and services (or info about those) available.

There is enough info availble to the public now for people to call B.S. on this tactic.

Ryan Clinton said:

"The opposition will say that the real keys to saving lives are tough mandatory laws (like pet-limit laws, licensing, bans on feeding outdoor cats, and mandatory spay-neuter laws), humane education, and sterilization. It’s a strategy they’ve been pushing for over 30 years, but that has never created a single No Kill community.

Remember, while increasing spay and neuter rates is an important part of saving lives, and community outreach is a fine goal in theory, “LES” (Legislation, Education, and Sterilization) has never achieved No Kill success anywhere in the country. In fact, most communities that have achieved No Kill success did so even before a comprehensive, high-volume spay/neuter program was in place. Moreover, some programs of this strategy—like mandatory pet-limit laws or mandatory spay/neuter requirements—have actually increased shelter killing by increasing the number of animals surrendered to or seized by animal-control authorities. What works is the proven, cost-effective programs and policies of the No Kill Equation. It represents a future of lifesaving success, not the history of failure resulting from “LES.”

How Austin went from a community that killed over 14,000 animals a year to a fraction of that provides a road-map for your community. How they did it is how you can do it, too. http://www.nathanwinograd.com/?p=6472

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