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13 February 2012


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phil m

I don't think NOT showing those images is going to make people adopt either. But it will sweep the sadness of our shelter problem even further under the rug. Let's be honest. Dog shows are not about helping dogs. They are about entertaining people.


I wonder if the new trend in animal adoption photos, showing the pet in cheerful surroundings, interacting positively with people and generally showing the animal as it would appear in a home setting, is more effective in getting that animal adopted?


Thank you for this; I completely agree and interpreted the NYTimes article in the same way as you did, i.e, as saying that it wasn't the promotion of adoption that Westminster had a problem with but the sad sack ads. As you point out, the Ad Council, with their Shelter Pet Project campaign, knows that there are alternatives to pet adoption videos that make you want to kill yourself. Bud Lite -- who knows something about advertising too -- ran a great ad during Super Bowl that promoted pet adoption by showing a fun dog doing cool things. Well, I could go on, but thank you again for articulating the other side of the argument so well.


P.S. And thank you for the shoutout! I somehow missed it until it was pointed out to me on Facebook.


I never saw the Pedigree ads as depressing...I always saw them as uplifting, making one want to help and make a difference. Maybe i didn't see them all.

Lynda Beam (Canine Candids by Lynda)

There will be dogs in shelters as long as people don't take responsibility for their own dogs. About the only time a dog that has been produced by a responsible breeder ends up in a shelter is because the agreement to return it is ignored or because it is lost and is in the shelter until they find the owner (usually it's chipped). Instead of running ads showing shelter dogs, how about some ads explaining that dogs just aren't for everyone and don't get one unless you plan to make that commitment of 10+ years to it.


I felt it was a conflict: they are selling purebreds. Even though hybrid vigor is a better deal for a lot of families. By that I mean getting a dog who is bred to chase after carriages all day, or guard the moat; is way too much dog for the average family.

But it's a fantastic point I hadn't realized before, because I'm fortunate to live in an area with enlightened shelters. But the other kind is very unappealing; and people do not have the confidence, and the ability, to choose a dog who is right for them; and a bad shelter is not going to help them make that choice.

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