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07 November 2011


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Wonderful! Can't wait to hear more about these dogs. I've always been interested in greyhounds, but you scared me off once when you wrote they'd chase anything, and aren't good off lead. Let us know how they do.


You scared me off greyhounds too, lol! I think they'd be a perfect match for us but you said they would jump our puny fence and run away. And now I see you've got two very pretty ones. Are you trying to keep all the greyhounds for yourself?

Christie Keith

Oh youse guys! I simply told you the reality of living with sighthounds, which is that you have to treat them as SIGHTHOUNDS, not skinny Labrador Retrievers, LOL. I wasn't trying to scare you off, just orient you to how they'd be to live with. In most ways, you will never find a dog easier to keep than a greyhound!

Original Lori

Wow, this is great news! I would thank you for doing this, but I know you will be amply rewarded by having them. :O) Greyhounds are a lovely example of form following function beautifully.

Kathy Johnson

Greyhounds are easy, as long as you remember that A) they can run 45mph and you can't, and B)they can see things a lot farther away than you can. If your particular dog happens to be easily triggered to chase things, it is safest to keep it on a leash or behind a fence too tall for it to jump. Other than that and a few minor details like being careful about anesthesia drugs and "no body fat=winter coats for winter walks", they're the same to live with as other dogs.


I have updated Billy with the info that if we got a Greyhound, it wouldn't necessarily bolt upon arrival and be gone forever. He says MAYBE we can try getting ONE greyhound one day FAR IN THE FUTURE.

I just had to share this exciting news. This is the most open he's ever been to adding a dog to our family ever, heh.


What beautiful and lucky pups! Glad they ended up with you (and that the person responsible for leaving them is being taken care of . . .).

Liz Palika

Congratulations! When do they come home?


They sure look like sweet, sweet girls. I now have a big case of dog envy. And, you get an excuse to unabashedly yell "STELL LAHHH"!

Lis Carey

Rawley's new sisters are lovely girls! I'm so glad they're getting a safe, loving home with you, rather than going to the pound.

Andrea Partee

Wow! You adopted my favorite breed of dog. A Rescue! Congratulations to your entire family pack. Reading this just made my day.

sue mcg

Congrats! But I do think you need another borzoi....

They sure look like sweet, sweet girls. I now have a big case of dog envy. And, you get an excuse to unabashedly yell "STELL LAHHH"!

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