If you're looking for the Pet Connection blog, where I've been writing since 2006... it's gone, and yes, I've been crying my eyes out for days now. Thanks for asking.
But! All is not lost!
All the Pet Connection bloggers have come together and are aggregating links to our blogging and other work on Petted and Vetted! We may do something more formal down the road, but for now, we're over there, and that's the best place to follow us.
When I say "us," I mean the entire Pet Connection blogging team -- me, of course, along with Pet Connection founder Gina Spadafori (she bought the domain name using my computer one New Year's Eve night long ago), David Greene, Kim Campbell Thornton, Dr. Tony Johnson, Therese Kopiwoda, Liz Palika, Dr. Robin Downing, Dr. Nancy Kay, Ericka Basile, Dr. Laurie Hess (our resident exotic pet specialist), Ingrid King, Mary Cvetan, and top dog writer Arden Moore!
I hope you'll head over to Petted and Vetted and give us a "like," and that you'll stick with us through whatever the future brings. In the meantime, you'll definitely be seeing a lot more of me here at Dogged.
I moved all my Pet Connection posts over here, too. You can find them in the "Pet Connection" category at right. (Excuse the mess -- when we moved the posts over, it brought all the tags and turned them into categories on this blog. I'm deleting as fast as I can!)
The only exception is my posts from the 2007 pet food recall, which are in their own category.
See you on Petted and Vetted!