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31 July 2011


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Miz Pierson

These successful conversions to No-Kill are so inspiring! What a wonderful accomplishment for these communities and their not-going-to-take-no-for-an-answer leaders.

Thank you, Christie and David, for giving us the ability to share these uplifting stories!


Please ask Susanne Kogut why she doesn't "just do it" and stop killing feral cats? She needs to take her own advice and stop making excuses.

New Mexico Pets ALIVE!

Wonderful information! We've been forwarding your blog recaps of the conference far and wide. For those who were not able to make it to DC, please join us along with Nathan Winograd, Ryan Clinton, Bonney Brown, Mitchell Schneider and Michael Mountain, at the upcoming Western States No Kill Conference. More info at: http://www.westernstatesnkconference.org. All the best from us here at New Mexico Pets ALIVE!

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