No, really, universe... more? Honestly, when are you going to freaking let up on us?
Kyrie beat back a series of horrible multi-drug-resistant staph infections about two years ago, and the last couple of times we had her skin cultured -- before I let her go back to the groomer, and before Rawley moved in -- she cultured with no resistant skin bacteria.
Last night, this:
I know the answer to "Why?" is stress. I knew when I decided to do this that it would be hard on Kyrie, but I thought the worst of it would be the trip, not the being here. But since we got here, she's had a really rough and rocky time.
The first thing that happened is that this 12 year old giant breed dog who could barely get in and out of the car and who had just come 2,400 miles without incident bolted out of the car the minute we got here and took off down the driveway and into the road. And this driveway is LONG, probably a third of a mile.
My landlady caught her, and no harm done, but that was just luck.
Two nights later she leaped over a four-foot brick wall that encloses my entry courtyard -- for no reason, since I was taking her out. It was a case of some serious cognitive problems, I think, either related to age or to the medication we had her on for chronic arthritis pain since she became unable to tolerate NSAIDs (oh, how I miss them!).
She landed screaming like her legs were broken, but she managed to get up and stagger over to pee, shaking hard. She could barely hobble back to the house. I couldn't really examine her, so I maxed her out on her pain meds -- even gave her a dose of Metacam, since I thought her pain itself was life-threatening at that point. While I waited for them to take effect, I started lining up an ER vet, but by the time she calmed down, I realized she'd just hurt her neck and at that point, the long car trip would probably do more harm than good, and given that at her age I wasn't going to do anything heroic, as long as I could keep her pain-free, I was going to give it another day.
She steadily improved and within a few days was back on her normal pain regimen, without the drug that I suspected was causing her to be a little confused. (It was gabapentin; I understand a small amount of cognitive impairment is a known although not common side effect of this drug in dogs.)
Now, just a few days later, when I thought we were possibly going to get back to pre-move normal, I find this freaking thing on her hindquarters, near her tail.
I learned this when my mom was dying and after, during all the hellish crap related to the legal problems of her estate: Stress is a killer. I just don't freaking want it to kill my Kyrie.
God, I'm just so sick of this. I want her to be okay. I want her to enjoy her time here in this beautiful place. I want some time with my girl.
Christie my friend, neither of you deserve this. Just another trial to persevere through. Your friends are with you in spirit and sending gamma rays to kill the bugs.
Posted by: Laura | 25 May 2011 at 08:21 PM
I'm sorry Christie. I have a senior dog. It's one thing after another thing after another. Like you, I just want to keep him comfortable until his time comes. He's always had skin and ear issues. Okay, we've managed this. Now it's eyes. So okay he doesn't see as well. Next it's rear end weakness. So far it's unsteadiness and a leg that caves in half the time. Immobility is a problem. Watching new symptoms emerge and knowing the inevitability, my heart breaks all the time. I wish there were something comforting to say. For both of us. Just know we're with you and wish you and your pups the best.
Posted by: Pam Picard | 25 May 2011 at 08:32 PM
Healing thoughts coming Kyrie's way and calming vibes to you.
Posted by: Cheryl | 25 May 2011 at 10:27 PM
I'm so sorry Christie. It wasn't until a 3rd animal in my household had a cancer diagnosis that I realized I have no control over anything. Didn't mean I was helpless, but it also didn't mean I could fix things and I had to live with that realization.
Acupuncture, chiropractic, and perhaps a consult with Homeopath?
At least I'd try some flower essences.
For you too.
Try Swanson's online if not available locally.
Posted by: CathyA | 26 May 2011 at 07:39 AM