I believe in funding government services with taxes. I believe the government should do things for the benefit of the nation. I believe in a social safety net. I believe in public health care, public education, and Social Security. That is the America I was raised to believe in.
I will never, ever understand why Democrats keep letting themselves be put on the defensive about what we as a party believe in. What's needed is for Democrats, and all liberals, to stand up for what we believe and have the debate on those issues, from a position of our own values and beliefs and principles, instead of pre-capitulating before the debate is even engaged.
That's what the right does, and that's why they beat us even when we "win." Because we're always trying to get there first with the magic solution that will make everyone happy.
There is no way to reconcile some of our differences. We have to plot a course that acknowledges that sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Without that, all we ever get is the crap we've ended up with in our government: a weak, ever-capitulating left, and a tantrum-throwing, spoiled-brat right.
I'd say a plague on both your houses and walk away if the triumph of the right didn't lead to so much human suffering.
Well said...
Posted by: TheWeyrd1 | 09 April 2011 at 02:36 AM
When will Dem Pols learn that there is no high minded, above it all bipartisan ship anymore. It is down and dirty fighting and if you don't want to get dirty - get out of the race and let someone like Anthony Weiner take the job.
Posted by: Cheryl | 15 April 2011 at 01:10 AM
I tried to send this before but don't know if it went through.
Fiscal conservative here. I agree with many of your beliefs but perhaps differ in support for mannern of execution. Do you distinguish between federal and state/local funding for services?
Posted by: WellMolly | 15 April 2011 at 11:51 PM