Rawley is not, as I've said before, a morning dog. His attitude towards being woken up is best represented by this photo, which I took with my iPhone this very morning at around 7:15 AM, after I'd already been up for half an hour:
When he realized I wasn't going to go away, he gave me The Look -- check out the expression in his eyes:
Then he realized the whole thing was just too, too fatiguing and he started to fall back to sleep.
Oh, Rawls. Best little face to wake up to every day, though!
Love that face. Today I went to the AZ Scottish Highland games and got my hound fix. There were a couple of families with Irish Wolfhounds and one family brought all 4 of their deerhounds. Would that be a herd? They were so adorable and stood there regally, being stroked and petted by admiring fans. The problem is that now, several hours later, the fix is wearing off :-(
Posted by: Cheryl | 26 February 2011 at 04:02 PM
Then there are those dogs who insist that the household arise with the sun. On those days when I want to get up just a little bit later than that I wish I had a dog with Rawley's sensibilities. I hasten to add that I wouldn't trade mine for the world!
Posted by: Jane Alexander | 27 February 2011 at 12:18 PM
I'll trade you for two cats who believe the very best time to get up is twenty-six minutes before sunrise. Daily.
Posted by: Vicky | 27 February 2011 at 01:10 PM
That first photo ought to be a poster for all the night owls -- or night Rawls -- of the world.
Posted by: Laura Thompson | 27 February 2011 at 02:05 PM