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09 November 2010


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Gina Spadafori

I suddenly want to take a nap ...


now you've done it! Miss Dot was feeling quite fine with "her" new down love seat . . . .

Kim Thornton

Harper has no doubt that she is meant to sleep on the bed with us and I'm sure is ticked off that she is relegated to the foot of the bed instead of getting to sleep between us with her back feet on the pillow.


It appears the rule in my house is, "If it doesn't have a box-spring, it's not a bed".

S in MT

Okay I'll admit it, my dog have more beds and more variety than I've collectively had my entire life! Look around my house, futons, dog beds on floor, dog beds on couch....me - I get the old beat up recliner (sometimes) and only 1/2 of my bed (the other 1/2 and sometimes the other 3/4s is taken up by bed hog, bed dogs)! :) I'm pretty sure they all sleep better than I do.


Hmm, I don't know if I can post this, but in our house we call that the slut-puppy pose. A belly scratch is a requirement of any passerby when the dog is in that position. Dirty looks follow those who do not oblige.

Leslie K

Trooper, Remy and Fragile agree with Queen Kyrie ! If its not kingsized with a box spring, its not a bed. Punkin and Oreo will sometimes deign to use the xlarge dog beds, but usually also prefer my bed or any sofa or chair that might by some miracle not be filled with dogs.


Ha! So true! Romeo has a very nice bed, thank you very much, but would rather sleep on one of the pillows of my kind sized bed. Preferably the one closest to my face, with his stinky butt right in it.


"Slut puppy". Love it! Sparky (a little past the puppy stage at 13) will sometimes wave the back paw that's up in the air if we aren't quick enough to put hands on the belly. At that point, resistance is futile on my part. Is it any wonder why I am always running a little bit late for things? Pretty sure that the adult equivalent of "the dog ate my homework" is "my dog needed a belly rub".

Phyllis DeGioia

oh, Kyrie, why the long face? You've got the best spot in the house!


Ahaha! Oh my Gawd, that's adorable!

She has a better bed than me, haha.

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