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01 August 2010


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Cathy LaSusa

I attended Ryan Clinton's session at the No Kill Conference today. (With Christie's great summary from the workshop here, I wish now I hadn't taken all my own notes for 2 hours!) It was an educational, concise, logically clear roadmap to reforming local animal control, including the potential pitfalls and how to overcome them. For anyone who wanted to attend the conference but couldn't, definitely consider attending the Austin No Kill Workshop next month on September 28 in Austin, TX. The nation's top No Kill experts will be presenting at the full-day training, such as Nathan Winograd from the No Kill Advocacy Center and many of the speakers from this weekend's conference who are successfully implementing all the programs and services of the No Kill Equation.

Austin No Kill Workshop:


No Kill Equation:


Thanks for your great live blog, Christie.


thanks for the great write up.

i'm very curious to hear more about the (very fast) owner requested euthanasia discussion. can anyone add to this?


Thanks for blogging about it, it was very interesting.


Truly awesome, as is all of FixAustin's work!! You can always tell those who are living the work as opposed to those who may want to SOUND like they are no kill.

Erich Riesenberg

Thank you for this.

Anyone in Iowa, let's get in touch.


Danielle McCarren

Dear Christie and Ryan,

Thank you for this informative article. I don't know if you are aware, but on Monday a second Director of Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter was removed from her position, when video was realeased Monday of her singing "kill the kitty" as the kitten is restrained and shelter workers laugh and gesture as someone says, "pass the needle please". I contacted the District Attorney's office who continues to investigate the shelter, but unfortunately, criminal charges can not be brought, due to the Statute of Limitations. The video realeased only on monday, is over 10 yrs. old. This is a link to the "kill the kitty" video if you havent seen it http://malverne-westhempstead.patch.com/articles/hempstead-town-animal-shelter-director-reassigned. I am attending a peaceful protest on Saturday, March 19th at 3320 Beltagh ave. in Wantagh NY across from the shelter at 12 noon. I know that one of your bloggers, Cathy La Susa worked in July 2009 to get the shelter designated "no kill" and did a impeccable job in informing the Town Board on how to reach a "no kill policy". I hope more people like her will attend and continue to support reforming Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter to a humane facility. Please share any advice that you have, as I have vowed that I will make it my mission to speak up and take a moral stand.

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