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23 July 2010


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Jan S

I love the way the "new" pet furniture looks. It sure beats having old quilts laying on the floor in a corner of the livingroom (something I have been guilty of).

Christie Keith

It was pretty awesome!

Gina Spadafori

Your cat enclosure at the Cazadero house was the gold standard. *I* would have lived in it.


Thank you, Chrisite & Gina for blogging and posting this to FB! I'm so touched that you thought to do so.

btw, if anyone is interested in seeing images of the aviary and outdoor turtle enclosure mentioned in the article (along with our 10+ yr old goldfish, Poppy's, unusual home) you can see photos on our Smugmug photostream here:



The "catiary" sounds awesome. If I ever live in a regular house again, I want one of those for my cat(s) so they can have the fun of the outdoors without all the predators (we actually get mountain lions around here).

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