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31 July 2010


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mary frances

my bff just called last nite and had seen the video from Nevada Humane - they were playing it at the hospital where she works - it was a real boost to the morale for workers and patients alike -

so jazzed to see and read of all this - thank you Christie and I love your editorilizing and would love to hear what you had for breakfast.

mary frances

My thanks to Kim as well -

Dr. Tony Johnson

Oh - sorry! When will I get the hang of this whole Tweetbook (or is it Facespace?) thing?

Thanks for the enjoyable liveblog. Loved the video!

Dr. Tony Johnson

*TWEET* I had oatmeal for breakfast

Kim Thornton

Christie and I had omelets for breakfast (why don't they call them oeuflets or ovalets?), plus I had berries and bacon.

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