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21 July 2010


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Liz Palika

I agree about the dust....But I do like real books. I don't care what paper backs look like.

But that said, I really do like my Kindle.

And as the author of many real books - several of which are now available as ebooks - this summer I'm working on my first totally ebook. And thats kind of exciting.


I'm getting used to my Kindle. I do love books, especially new ones, because they have that 'smell.' But considering how many times I've moved in the last ten years, I can tell you that that 'love' weighs a fucking ton. So, my goal is to replace as many of my actual books with e-books, and either sell or give the real ones to the local library. Well, except for my anime mangas, Shakespeare collection (complete with notes in the margins) and British editions of Harry Potter.

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