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22 June 2010


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mary frances

I went to the article, a bright light of hope for the day - printed it and will share - it's my biggest hope that No Kill will become the norm - it will change so many things for the better in this ol' world...thanks for all your good work Christie Keith.

mary frances

Kind of cross commenting here:

Yesbiscuit comments on this story on KC Dog Blog - 6/22/10

"If we took killing off the table, would your shelter find a way to find homes for all of the pets?"

Yesbiscuit asks "I would honestly love to find out the answer to this via a real life trial. how about we place a 6 month moratorium on the killing of healthy/treatable, friendly pets in shelters and see what happens?"

Is that not brilliant? and who better to make amends and lead the way...HSUS...could be a golden opportunity for redemption?

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