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02 April 2010


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David S. Greene

Such a vicious dog Rawley is.


Rawley iz hoor.

Gina Spadafori

I can't wait to meet him tomorrow!

Ellie Shaw

Thanks for the cheery puppy fix! It brightens the gray Sacramentio afternoon Gina has been whining about.

Liz Palika

I see a therapy dog in the making!

Gina Spadafori

Whining!!!! I'm not whining! I'm freeeeeezing.

mary frances

this is one sweet..and about these two having previous life connections...maybe this encounter was "evidence of things unseen" (heard that phrase on the radio today)Thanks for sharing.

mary frances

Sorry meant to say Rawley is one sweet puppy but you probably could guess that. Such fun to fall in love.

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