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02 April 2010


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Not that I'm a doctor, but a friend suggested SAMe which you can get at health food stores. I found it took the edge off and I didn't feel foggy or anything. And considering how anxious and/or depressed I was feeling, that was a good thing! It also helps joint pain and provides a bit of liver support, which I needed since having had a bacterial intestinal thing about 15 years or so ago (it did some minor liver damage, so liver support is a good thing).


HI Christie- I hope your'e also considering good old fashioned psychotherapy during this awful grief. Your puppy may pull you through- but you may also gain some helpful insight in the psychotherapeutic process. I'm prejudiced toward both: puppy plus talk tx.


Thanks for sharing. Depakote and Zyprexa in the cupboard if I feel the need, but I too was tired of feeling "not myself."
You are not alone in your love of puppy either!


Hi Christie

I am so sorry for what you've been through. I remember reading your posts and commenting on the rawness of it all. I could feel your pain and at the same time relate to it, except it was with my dad.

I think talking to someone can sometimes help with processing the grief and anger, especially with what you went through. I mean isn't it like being shellshocked? Or PTSD? Or delayed grief? I don't know. But it seems like the adrenaline from the anger keeps us going. It keeps the grief at bay until it can't anymore and that's when shit hits the fan (so to speak).

I hope being off Prozac will help. Either way, I wish you well.

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