So, in my liveblogging of the Xena convention, I watched Hudson Leick, who played Callisto, Xena's arch-enemy, do her stage appearance. I liveblogged it for, with photos (including this one) by KT Jorgensen.
And Hudson told a joke that was too smutty for AfterEllen and too long for Twitter, but I promised to tell it so here it is.
First, Hudson started out with a long dissertation on French swear words, with a particular focus on her favorite, "Va te faire enculer," which means, "Go get fucked in the ass."
She was joking about a line of Xena-themed vibrators she wanted to create:
She said she and a friend want to create a line of Xena-themed vibrators. "The Gabrielle one that just makes you cry, I love you, I love you.' The Callisto one that goes 'AAAAAAHHHHHHHHRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHAAAAA' all the time. The Xena one that is all stoic, 'I want to, but I won't,' and gazes longingly at Gabrielle the whole time."
Then Adam from Creation Entertainment, which produced the convention, made a comment that there are no vibrators for men.
And of course, an entire auditorium of lesbians knew enough to yell, "Yes, there are!"
"They're for everyone," Hudson told Adam. "You should try it." Then she smiled. "It involves va te faire enculer."
"It involves va te faire enculer." - hahaha LMAO (first time using this internet slang).
Thanks for your coverage at XenaCon Christie, hope you still have more material to bring forward, but your posts are just awesome! \o/
Posted by: Account Deleted | 08 February 2010 at 01:58 PM
Thank you Christie!!
Posted by: XenaMuseum | 08 February 2010 at 10:31 PM
HAHAHA! Omg thank you so much for sharing! Made my morning
Posted by: Jessica | 09 February 2010 at 06:05 AM
Snicker... Loved your liveblogging...even if I caught it after the fact!!!
Posted by: TheWeyrd1 | 13 February 2010 at 04:33 PM