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25 January 2010


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Gina Spadafori


David S. Greene

Puppers! We need video with puppy sounds, watching them play bitey face, then falling over each other.

Kim Thornton

I can't believe you once told me that most people wouldn't find Deerhound puppies cute. They're adorable!


Love them! Just curious...When do their coats begin changing to the wirey, or stiffer stage?


It's amazing to me how much they don't look like deerhounds. They look like creatures that have not yet been documented by science.


Looking forward to when your puppy comes home. I need a good dose of reality on what it takes to have a puppy, because I want TWO!!!


Love! Which one's yours?

Phyllis DeGioia

I'm thinking yours will be the one with the wide open mouth, ready for all that good food!

God they're gorgeous.

The Other Lori

They're so cute!

Christie Keith

We don't know yet which one will be mine... they're still very young to know.

Retrieverman, we're thinking they are some kind of hybrid of greyhound, collie and the Loch Ness monster. What do you think?

Sonia, they can get their adult coats in at different times. Some hounds stay quite sleek until 3 years old, others are fuzzy before they're in their new homes!

My guess on these is that they'll be fairly sleek until 1-2 years. But Paula could predict that far more accurately than I can!


dragons! this is before dh feet become fullsized. so exciting, christie!

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