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30 December 2009


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Sandi K

I believe this is the place to submit your electronic comments in case anyone has a hard time locating it:


Sandi K

This is great news, I will also be sending my comment and encouragement. I do worry that somehow the pet food industry will lobby this hard and get it stopped but perhaps they cant because its part of the FDA Amendment Act? My guess is they will still try. If these comments are open for public viewing like some of the prior dockets have been, it will be interesting to see if the PFI comments on it.

Colorado Transplant

Ya, I gave a strong comment, and now I pray it will help. The more people that let the FDA know what they think, the better it will be for our pets.

Thanks for the notice about this.


I just posted a comment......just so you know: it took me several attempts at searching to come up with the docket # & the proper place to submit a comment.

They don't make it easy.

Please keep trying & submit a comment. They need to hear from us......lots of us.....so this will pass.

Christie Keith

Thanks, Sandi! I'll update with that direct link!


Thank you, Sandi. That'll make it lots easier for everyone else. It took me a while but I wasn't about to give up.....finally found it.

Happy New Year all......let's hope for a great new year.......oh please, God!


Sorry, Gina, didn't mean to slight you:


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