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01 December 2009


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Snoopys Friend

"Dog owners concerned about CIV or H1N1 should keep an eye out for their early symptoms, such as a cough or nasal discharge. A dog with a fever of more than 104 degrees, lethargy, a green nasal discharge or difficulty breathing is at high risk of developing dangerous complications and needs immediate veterinary attention....."

I was wondering what symptoms to look for and read your article in the S.F. Gate (quote above) and so appreciate your research and insight. I only hope that good luck keeps me and my dogs illness free even though I know the odds are narrowing the more I read. Thanks for the great information.


I wonder if these can be transmitted by wild canines. Obviously, wolves and coyotes will be able to catch them.

But I wonder if others will become vectors for the disease.

A few years ago, a distemper outbreak happened that was caused by gray foxes (Urocyon).

Christie Keith

I think that wildlife getting H1N1 from humans is a stretch, but they can contract it from other wildlife, certainly -- it partially originated there, after all. However, I think this is currently primarily a disease of domestic animals and us.

Snoopys Friend

I read where Turkeys have it in Canada, but these are raised for food. Assurances that none of the Turkeys made it to the food chain now abound.


The article stresses those who work with farm animals need to be vaccinated.


Where I live dogs and wild dogs meet each other often.

If a hound with the H1N1 met a wild coyote, it is possible that the coyote could get it from the hound. Then the coyote could give it to its family group and maybe other coyotes around its territory.

In Ethiopia, free roaming domestic dogs give rabies and other canine diseases to the endangered Ethiopian wolf.

So maybe I just live in an area where free roaming dogs are far more common than other areas of the country.

But it is something I do think about.


Better reveiw history as this is certainly not the first time a cat has contracted influenza. When the Avian H5N1 was prevalent several years ago many cats contracted that as well.

Christie Keith

I didn't say "contracted." I said "caused illness." My understanding was that, although some cats did have positive antibodies to H5N1, presumably from eating dead infected birds, they did not have symptoms of the disease. BUT... I looked into this a bit further now, and see that some leopards and tigers developed symptoms after eating infected chickens, and one pet cat was found to have symptoms as well. Researchers were also able to induce symptoms in laboratory cats when they "experimentally inoculated cats with H5N1 virus intratracheally and by feeding them virus-infected chickens."


Looks like the cats beat the dogs after all, although not in North America and not on a large scale.

Considering how highly resistant to influenza viruses dogs and cats have always been, and it still seems cats are resistant to infection leading to illness through a normal transmission route (nasal), the fact that appears to be what's happening with H1N1 is still pretty momentous.

Anyway, thanks for the catch and the information!

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