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30 November 2009


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mary frances

Thank you for the information - this is good news from Austin - also at least from the photo - Ryan Clinton looks a little like the actor Bradley Cooper. (just had to say...)

Nathan Winograd

Good choice. Ryan is a smart, solid advocate for animals who is helping to reform Austin's antiquated and regressive sheltering practices. I look forward to tuning in.


The two heart dogs of my life came from Town Lake Animal Shelter, years ago. To think how easily I might have lived my life without them is heartbreaking. To me, "No Kill" is really "Saving Souls." Of more than just one species.

Original Lori

When I lived in Austin, I didn't know about any of this. It really surprised me to find out the kill numbers because Austin was such a hip, progressive, and aware city in so many ways.

I'm always rooting for Austin and they do love their animals, so I know they can fix all this. Go Ryan!

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