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23 September 2009


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My goodness, you and your mom look so much alike. I have no doubt that's just one way her spirit lives on in you.

Phyllis DeGioia

hugs, Christie. {{{ }}}


What a lovely tribute, Christie. I feel I know Kathleen. And she was beautiful.

Lisa in Cape May County, NJ

Colorado Transplant

You were such a devoted daughter to your mother. She was very fortunate to have such a great support before and during her illness.

It was meaningful to me to see the slideshow--which showed your mother from her youth going on up to her older self. Thanks for sharing.

Take good care of yourself, Christie!


Gina Spadafori

Christie, what a beautiful piece of writing over on your blog. And the pictures ... you look just like her ... I never realized exactly how much!


I enjoyed the slide show and the story--very San Franciscan! I'm fourth generation San Franciscan, so you beat me by one. But I also grew up hearing elderly relatives tell the story of camping in Golden Gate Park after the 06 Fire and Earthquake. Your mother was clearly a Grand Old San Franciscan, part of the very fabric of The City.

sherri franklin

Christie, I love your mother and wish I had had a chance to meet her. I also must thank you for honoring Muttville by choosing our organization for her. I am planning to name our next nameless dogs after her, Mac and Kenzie, so keep a look out!

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