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26 August 2009


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It's good to know that someone I admired, who fought for the "little guy", loved his dogs so much. RIP, Senator.


I just switched vets. When I saw Ted's picture on his client wall, I felt a little more at ease.

Thank you, Senator for all you did.


Poor Splash. My heart always goes out to dogs whose owner dies, and all they know is that one day "Dad" doesn't come home any more.

Of course, my thoughts are with the family, too. But this is a dog blog, and so here I express my empathy for Splash's loss.

Kim Thornton

The OTHER Pat, that's interesting; I thought the same thing this morning; that I hoped his dog was there or got a chance to sniff him and say goodbye.

Gina Spadafori

Godspeed, Senator. And thank you.

Original Lori

Hang in there Splash, poor boy. If a person can love a dog that much, there is good inside their heart, whatever else may be said.

mary francis

The Kennedys are a part of all of us - I am so happy he had a wonderful marriage in the end - and I loved that he loved his dogs - he was one of the good guys - God bless the Senator and his family.


Since he died at home, and his dogs were always with him, I'm sure they got the chance to say goodbye--and that no "serious" journalist will think to mention this "unimportant" detail.

But now, I'm getting offline, and taking my dog with me to Town Hall to turn in my "becoming an official employee" papers for my new job. Having, yes, taken the time to ask if it's okay to do so.:)

Rest in peace, Senator Kennedy. There are many positive things I could say, but here, I'll just say, it was an added bonus that you were a great dog lover and a responsible dog owner, too.


Lovely tribute. It's nice to hear of a different side of a very public figure. The fact that he loved his dogs humanizes him for me. Rest Well, Senator Kennedy.


I wish that more Senators and Representatives would let us know that they care about animals, and let us see that they are real people, too.

Ted Kennedy and Splash, playing with a tennis ball - what a difference from Mitt Romney and his dog who was driven at freeway speed on top of Mitt's car.

Anne T

I was listening to an interview with Orrin Hatch this afternoon on NPR. Sen. Hatch described several humorous incidents in his long friendship with Sen. Kennedy, and I though what a perfect match he and his PWDS were! Smart, charming, hard working and blessed with a quirky sense of humor!

Senator, you are greatly missed. Thank you for all you did for your country and her people.

Dawn Sylvia-Stasiewicz

The Senator, and his lovely wife, Vicki loved all their Portuguese Water Dogs'.... I had the pleasure of training, and becoming friends with Splash, Sunny, and Cappy, over the past 12 years. The dogs' will miss him as we all will miss this great man that changed our lives, but rest assure that Splash, Sunny, and Cappy will continue to have a great life with their mom...who loves them as much as he did. Their lives will change, but his memory will live forever in our hearts, and he will be forever connected spiritually to the wonderful dogs' he left behind.

Gina Spadafori

Dawn, so glad to hear from you. And thanks for the update about the Kennedy family dogs.


Our local Ch 4 interviewed our MI Congressman, John Dingell who told a story about Sen. Kennedy coming to MI to speak. He didn't want to leave the dogs behind so Mr. Dingell told him arrangements would be made to fly the dogs and also that arrangements could be made for a speaking roll for the dog. I thought that was a cute, heartfelt story.


He was a great senator and the best president we never had.

I say the former statement as an American who appreciates all he did to help working people in this country.

I say the latter one because in this time of triangulation and sell-outism, we need to be reminded of what really is possible. This country has great potential, and Ted Kennedy saw it more clearly than any other political figure in recent years.

Original Lori

Carol--that is SO. COOL.

Carol Atkinson

I read Splash's book, "My Senator and Me" and in it was a website where I could write to Splash. I did and told him how much I enjoyed his book and wondered if "his Senator" had ever seen the book called "Bica, the Portuguese Water Dog", written by and English woman living in Portugal. If not, I told him that I had an extra copy that I had purchased when I visited Portugal and would be happy to send it to him. I also told him that I had two Portuguese Water Dogs and how much I loved them. I received an e-mail back that the Senator had not seen the book and would love to have it. I mailed it to Splash, and a few weeks later I received a beautiful autographed photo of Senator Kennedy, Splash and Sunny and a lovely thank you letter. I had them framed and will always treasure them. Senator Kennedy was an inspiration to us all and will be truly missed not only by his dogs and family, but by the entire nation. Rest in peace Senator Kennedy.


And now Splash is gone, too--hopefully to rejoin the Senator, and play fetch and go sailing again.

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