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18 July 2009


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That is an awesome site! Thank you Christie!

Nice to see Pekes (quite obviously Pekes too) who could breathe and move, and GSDs who weren't crippled.

I typed in Great Danes and found other footage, including a video of an obedience training school where the dogs were doing high jumps and novelty things like jumping over a table with a family of 4 seated at it, complete with plates and tableware! :-)

Gina Spadafori

Bless Mrs. Phipps-Hornby, her sensible shoes and her clever groundskeeper who no doubt put that racecourse together for her!

Christie Keith

ROFL Dee... that is PRICELESS.

Is this the greatest website ever or WHAT?


Thanks for the great link.

Who says Pekes can't move? They even race, greyhound-style:



Someone needs to do that horseback photo as a painting!


Comment by glock — July 18, 2009 @ 9:01 am

lol!~ I did the same search! I was impressed by this woman and her 'herd' of Dals:



There's some old footage of cat shows too, which highlight Persians and Siamese. From the 1930s through the 1950s, back when both of them were substantial cats.

And as a bonus ...? They've got a silent short of Louis Wain!


Great site! I typed in Dalmatians and was able to review all sorts of footage about Dalmatians, including old dog show footage. Very interesting from standpoint of the breed "standard". There was also some great footage of Dalmatians with horses and a Dalmatian coaching under the rear axel of carriage.

Christie Keith

Isn't it amazing? I could get lost there for days!


I found one of a paralyzed dachshund with handmade wheelies from 1951!

This link is a treasure, many thanks.

Anne T

What a greyt site! Found a 1926 film of the 91st Waterloo Cup! Tallyho!!!! Thank you, Christie!


Wow great find - what I found really interesting was the similar phenotype to dogs today, we read all this hype about how breeders have changed breeds so much recently and that is why we have so many health problems in (purebred) dogs today but the peke's and cavaliers in those videos don't look larger or have longer muzzles than dogs today. I just expected to see Peke's with long muzzles, and giant bulldogs but they look the same as I saw at show two weeks ago. Very interesting !

Gina Spadafori

Some dogs were very similar in appearance now and then, but you must not be looking at the same Pekes who were running that steeplechase course as I was.

The Crufts Best In Show footstool that couldn't even sit for pictures without becomin life-threateningly overheated didn't look much like the dogs in the video.

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