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27 May 2009


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Yay, I love graphs! Great study there, hopefully this data will improve community strategies towards feral cats.


Mary: Probably plenty - lots of shelter cats or strays are 'one strike' cats. Plenty of higher income homes get cats of that sort. We've had four female cats, one of whom had a litter before we got her. That's pretty close to your 20%. (Too hard to tell whether the five males had done anything, but they were all pretty young, so it's unlikely)

A better question is what is the makeup of that 4%. How many are breeding unsupervised with the neighbors and end up with some 'strikes' that way, how many are purebreds intended for breeding, how many have a medical reason for not being fixed (or aren't old enough yet) but never reproduce anyway.

But when you phrase it that way, you realize it would still be more useful to look at the other 14%.

Rosemary Rodd

Maybe the other interesting thing that comes out of this is that 90% neutering is roughly the point at which the cat population becomes stable with natural deaths balancing births.

Offer enough low-cost or free spay/neuter and it looks as though the pet keeping population will voluntarily keep the pet population in balance.

Mary Mary

Oh I just love research and data, whoo!

I remember seeing somewhere that, of the 80% of cats that are spayed, 20% have had at least one litter. I wonder how many of those "one strike" cats are in the higher income homes.

Just another data point.

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