A sincere and very patient young woman named Erica just called from the office of Equality California. She wanted to know if I would volunteer to go door to door in a nearby town, talking to voters about marriage equality.
"It's the only way we'll win our rights," she read earnestly from her script, "by changing hearts and minds. Will you join us?"
"I don't think you want me," I told her. "I'm not thinking it's a good idea to go around begging people to give me what should be mine by right. And I'm really, really angry now, and I don't think you want me talking to people about this."
She understood, she said. They were all upset, too. Maybe I'd consider driving other volunteers down there, instead?
I told her I didn't think so, that I wasn't sure I thought we should go back to the ballot on this at all. I said I thought voting on people's rights was wrong, even if we won. Even though I think we probably would win.
"Thanks for your time," she said. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight," I told her. "And good luck."
You're so right. No one's rights should be subjected to a popularity contest.
Posted by: Sarah | 28 May 2009 at 12:25 AM
I'm good with voting on where my money's going, how to improve the schools that my daughter attends, even who's gonna represent me.
I don't ever want to see another ballot that asks me to vote on someone else's rights. As long as they're not mutilating animals or eating babies, I don't want to know. I do, however, want to vote on whether or not we have the right to vote on anything regarding someone else's civil rights. Cause that'll be a big, fat, HELL TO THE NO!!! Seriously, men in this country can marry 14 yr olds, (provided they belong to one of those weird cult thingies) and they have a problem with same sex marriage??
Posted by: Red | 28 May 2009 at 12:31 AM
Hi- I am so pissed- and have been since November- that I'm walking the street, going to work, sitting in a restaurant, forced to breathe the same air as these people who can deny me rights. Yeah- I'll go door to door in Modesto- IF I have a licence to at least break some fingers.
Victoria (your biggest fan)
Posted by: victoria | 28 May 2009 at 12:21 PM
Not sure if you saw this or not but thought you might be interested.
Posted by: Cheryl | 29 May 2009 at 02:07 AM