One of the nastiest pit bull bans in the nation is the law in Denver, which has killed over a thousand dogs and driven countless owners out of the city to save their dogs' lives. It's been fought a number of times in court, so far without success, but its opponents haven't given up. Now they may get yet another chance to tell it to the judge. From Colorado Wire:
Opponents of a Denver ordinance that calls for euthanizing pit bulls found living in city limits have another chance at challenging the law in court.
The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Wednesday revived a lawsuit filed by three former Denver residents who moved out the city to avoid losing their dogs. A federal judge had dismissed their lawsuit in March 2008.
Denver banned pit bulls in 1989 after dogs mauled a minister and killed a boy in separate attacks. After years of legal challenges, the city began enforcing the law in May 2005.
A three-judge panel of the appellate court said the residents could proceed on their claim that Denver's breed-specific prohibition is irrational.
Opponents of the ban claim Denver lacks evidence that pit bulls pose a threat to public safety or constitute a public nuisance. They argue that the same canine organizations used to set standards for establishing whether a dog is a pit bull also describe the breeds as stable, friendly and good with children.
A message left at the Denver's city attorney's office was not immediately returned.
''The vast majority of dogs killed under this law haven't done anything wrong,'' said Karen Breslin, an attorney who argued on behalf of the former residents. ''There are dogs out there that do pose a danger, but killing dogs just for how they look? How stupid is that?''
Pretty stupid, we'd say.
Read the whole story here.
Yeah, it was the irresponsible owners who needed to be kicked out of the city, not people's pet dogs.
Posted by: Susan Fox | 27 May 2009 at 08:00 PM
I hope for the best, but fear the worst: courts are ASTONISHINGLY lenient about allowing stupid, irrational, useless, cruel local laws to stand. Didn't we see an even more stunning example in California just yesterday?
Posted by: EmilyS | 27 May 2009 at 08:00 PM
1100 dogs dead for how the looked, and for deeds they had not committed. I read this to my WW2 survivier mother and she said "It's just like when the Nazi's started isn't it"
That ought to scare the out of all of us.
Posted by: Wendy | 27 May 2009 at 08:00 PM
This is good news. Alas, it will not bring back the thousands of murdered dogs or un-break their people's hearts. Denver should be dying of shame over their conduct in this, but they're not.
Posted by: Mary E | 27 May 2009 at 08:00 PM
Great news!
Posted by: YesBiscuit! | 27 May 2009 at 08:00 PM
Pit Bulls aren't banned in our community but there has been problems. ALL without exception
the result of dysfunctional owners.
Our neighbor across the street, her brother Mike has a white pit bull like in that picture. He hardly ever needs to be leashed when he's visiting and will come across the street tail wagging wanting to be petted. A neighbor can be walking their dog by and he doesn't even give it a second glance or his tail starts wagging and he wants to play.
Now, how to solve the dysfunctional owner problem. That's the root of it.
Posted by: Steve | 28 May 2009 at 08:00 PM
Not an uplifting blog post but necessary for those that care about the plight of the pit bulls - please see this most recent blog post by Nathan Winograd and the killing of puppy 43063 - important information on a lawsuit -
Posted by: francis | 10 June 2009 at 08:00 PM