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22 April 2009


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Gina Spadafori

You must kick ass at Trivial Pursuit.

Gina Spadafori

Just as long as I don't catch goat fever from Dr. K ... I'm not zoned for goats!


Kaliningrad is in an unusual spot. It doesn't border on Russia at all. It is between Lithuania and Poland.

I had a few ancestors who came from there.

They weren't Russian, Lithuanian, or Polish. They were ethnic Germans of the Lutheran faith.

That's because Kaliningrad is actually the old Prussian city of Koenigsberg. It was the capital of East Prussia and home of Immanuel Kant.

It was fully German speaking until World-War II, when the Red Army expelled the Germans and settled it with Russians.

So it's not really in the Western part of Russia. It's a Russian exclave in Eastern Europe.


I was on the West Virginia state championship Quiz Bowl Team.

Plus, my professional area of expertise is Eastern Europe.


A University study regarding raising cats on raw diets? Hmmmm... wonder which raw diet they're using? Have to dig further, but already I'm optimistic. We're about to put an end to that "no studies" issue once and for all - whether the study will be of any consequence remains to be seen. Fingers crossed, off to teh google I go.

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