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10 April 2009


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I'll believe it when I see it in action. I do think people and organizations can change. Real change usually comes after much thought and debate - I think this is more a change due to political (e.g. $$$) expediency.

Nonetheless - if they do "walk the walk" I really don't care what the motivation is.


What do I think?

HSUS: We all agree that fight bust dogs are victims and deserve to be evaluated

other HSUS: We have always been at war with Eurasia

As YB notes on her blog (http://yesbiscuit.blogspot.com/), HSUS doesn't have to wait to implement this new policy, if they're sincere. There are RIGHT NOW several batches of fight dogs whose lives are threatened.

If it's real, it's a 180 degree turnaround for HSUS. It requires them to disavow (even if they don't do so explicitly) the very foundation of their anti-dogfighting campaign. Is John Godwin going to toe the line and start saying "oh no, the dogs are NOT natural born killers, we were just kidding about that? Assuming he actually believed what he was spouting, might he just have to experience a bit of... cognitive dissonance?

I hope, but I doubt.


I hope so too. And I'll hope ya one better: I hope we get to see these words transformed into deeds right away. That would be awesome.

Susan Fox

Walk the walk, Wayne. Talkin' time's done. We're all watching to see what happens with the next fight bust dogs.


Ah, Luisa... the wayback machine!

If not for that, HSUS could get us to believe that we've always been at war with Eurasia.

Do you think they'll be sending John Godwin to Room 101? And what will he encounter there?


oh dig this!


One of the few invited "major stakeholders" is an HSUS pit bull killer.



Let us travel back in time: that provocative webpage.

Hope the link works.


Re the statement that, quote: "He went on to reproduce the entire announcement as it was posted on the Best Friends site, and called it a “joint announcement” of HSUS and Best Friends." unquote . . . I don't think the statement was reproduced by either group since HSUS and Best Friends actually worked bilaterally to create the mutually agreed-upon language contained in the statement. That's why it is posted on each of their sites independently in identical text.

I have been debating with HSUS on this very issue of all dogs deserving individual evaluations commencing over a decade ago after rescuing a wonderful dog confiscated in a fight bust case (whose life was spared by order of a Sacramento judge). I know of many other individuals and organizations that have also not let this issue go and that have worked toward this change for many years. This official change in position has been long fought for by many and has been a long time coming.

Though moving forward doesn't mean condoning the past and though the good they do doesn't negate the bad, I wish that consideration and credit would also be given to HSUS's major contribution to putting hundreds upon hundreds of pit fighters and cockfighters behind bars and to the fact that they have been instrumental in getting the vast majority of anti-cockfighting/dogfighting legislation passed throughout the country. If HSUS didn't exist, there is no doubt staged animal fighting would today be much, much worse than it is currently. This is something you rarely hear mentioned by those who advocate for dogs in general and pit bulls in particular.

I also question, if these dogs from fight bust cases do all get evaluated, where will the rescuable ones all go? There are many wonderful pit bulls (and other breeds) that rescues say no to every day due to a simple lack of space.

To quote Best Friends' Attorney, Ledy VanKavage: "I remain cautiously optimistic and do believe that their policy has changed and their training and materials will reflect their new outlook. They stated that they would no longer be testifying against the dogs in court. It's now up to the rescue organizations to step up the next time there is a fight bust and take a few of the dogs. Best Friends will help where we can, but we need everyone working together for the sake of the dogs."

Terry Johnson

What about all the gamefowl/chickens the HSUS has put down? Harmless chickens?? Are they not willing to treat those birds with the same respect and consideration? Research leads me to believe the game chickens are naturally aggresive but a danger to anyone? I would think not? Then why are these birds allowed to become the victims of a dealth sentence of the HSUS? Thought this group is about helping animals but my search have led me to believe otherwise. Something to think about.

Jamie Lanier

Have to agree there Terry. HSUS isn't the organization alot of people think of them as. Shame what goes on for there own profits and gains. Never see alot of there money spent on really protecting and caring for the animals themselves...as much as lining there own pockets with high paying jobs. Not with my donations anymore.

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