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21 February 2009


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Leslie K

All of the pitbulls or pit mixes I personally know are exactly that vicious !

Anne T

Yah know, the striped tabby kitteh seems more 'dangerous' than the pibble! lol. Thanks for the smile with my morning coffee!

Gina Spadafori

Usually I HATE the music people slap on their home videos. In this case ... oh yeah. I want to snuggle up with them both. "The Good Life," indeed.


oh yeah, especially those rednose reds.. much closer to their "gamebred" heritage than many other ABPTs...

Judy D

Gentle souls come in all sizes and breeds. I have never met a pit that I didn't like, some owners that's another thing.

Al Hunter

It's true that cats can sometimes be cute and friendly, but they can also be inadvertently triggered into very violent and aggressive behaviour. You may want to consider a muzzle for that kittie to protect the dog from serious injury.

Sara Jo

That was great! I kept worrying about the doggie's eyes though--probably because of my Henry's lost eye. He seemed totally in control and would just turn his head away from the little kitty's paws. Very sweet. Wish Henry was nice to our cat like that, but I seriously doubt that will ever happen.


Yeesh! Ban all tabbies!

(I jest ;))

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