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17 February 2009


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Eh...that's normal dreaming! Except the part where after doing Renee's hair color you DIDN'T sleep with her. Girl, you've got to take more control over your dreams!


You been dipping into my Sustiva? ;)



I had a dream last night that I looked at my face in a mirror and saw a large dark bruise under my eye, at which point I asked my mom if it were Ash Wednesday. Go figure.

In other news, your friend Marion was quoted in an MSNBC article yesterday, did you see? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29235945/ Just a little blip, but still cool.


The real question is: did you dye Renee's hair more of a red/strawberry blonde or just flat out blonde?


Was the possum ok? ;o)


You are SO effing weird. Are you having side effects from me moving?

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