I like Facebook, I really do. I have to work on a lot of different things all day long, and I like to take a few seconds to share a link or joke with a friend (actual or social network versions alike) about something when I task-shift. It's fun, and it seems to re-set my brain.
I also hate Facebook, for all the usual reasons people hate things like that and that I won't rehash, but specifically because I sometimes shoot off a one-liner there, or share a link, that might normally have turned into a post here.
And yes, I'm aware I haven't been blogging here as much as I should. There are only so many things I want to blog about that someone somewhere isn't willing to pay me to blog about for them instead, and the stuff that remains I keep wasting on Facebook.
Here's one that's going elsewhere: This afternoon, Xena: Warrior Princess blogging commences on the blog at AfterEllen.com, as the 14th Annual Xena Convention gets under way. I have interviews with Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to share, plus KT Jorgensen's live reportage and photojournalism from the con floor -- and backstage! -- as well. (Note to KT: See how I spelled your last name right this time? You'd think after knowing someone for like a decade and a half, a girl could manage that.)
Also this weekend, my impressions of my second viewing of "Scott Walker:30 Century Man" go up at ClubKingsnake.com.
And Kyrie's staph infection just flared up again, for the first time in months. I think I caught it before it got out of hand, and I'll be blogging about some of what I've learned about managing a dog who is carrying resistant staph over at PetConnection.
As for the rest, well... maybe you should friend me on Facebook, where you'll learn that I'm about to walk out the door to have breakfast at the Cafe Flore with one of my heroes, Dr. Marion Nestle!
I'd friend you on facebook, but I'm still compartmentalizing my life...lol Facebook is for professional networking and finding high school friends...and IMing my sister in law. My blog world is for my own enjoyment and linking to other like minded folks! Yay for Xena coverage!!!
Posted by: TheWeyrd1 | 30 January 2009 at 10:29 PM
ROFL ... that name thing just keeps getting to ya all the time ;)
Posted by: KT | 07 February 2009 at 12:15 AM