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30 December 2008


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oh wow, this is so nice, it just brings tears to my eyes to see this sweet little tzu ... I too want to thank you everyone concerned for this little girls life.

Gina Hoener

I'm so happy for Suzie and Jan. And yes, she has a New Beginning!

Volunteer for New Beginnings Shih Tzu Rescue


And they say one person can't make a difference. :) Thank you Jan for saving Suzie and for caring. She looks wonderful.


What a beautiful face, so glad to see she's on the mend!


It is such a joy to know that sweet Suzie is on her way to a long healthy life because others found it in their hearts to help her. I hope she finds a loving, forever home as soon as she is well.


Thank you for a heartwarming story. Happy New Year!


What a happy ending! Happy New Year!

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