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02 November 2008


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Gina Spadafori

He's a stand-up guy. We dealt with his office a great deal during the pet-food recall, and his staff is well-informed, responsive, committed and helpful. Sometimes, it seemed that Sen. Durbin and Rep. DeLauro were the only ones who cared about the melamine murders, and who saw the bigger picture of the grave threat to our national security that continues to this day.

I knew Durbin couldn't be Sen. Obama's pick for VP because they both represent Illinois, but I still would have supported him in that role.

Many condolences to the family.


Thank you Gina and Christie for this. My first thought was to come here. I knew you would remember who stood up for food safety during the pet food recall.

We have since seen how the melamine murders (good phrase) have spread to humans in China.

I dealt with David Lazarus, Durbin's legislative staffer during the process and he was a great guy too.

My condolences to Durbin and his family.

He worked for us during the time when others didn't, I'll always remember the work they did.

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