A little something I wrote over on PetHobbyist.com about holiday pet safety:
Ah, the holiday season! We mark its arrival by giving young children massive quantities of candy and putting little fireman outfits on our Dalmatians.
Then on to a celebration of thanks that can send us into a postprandial coma and our dogs to the ER with pancreatitis. We then move into Hanukkah, Christmas or another winter holiday of choice that brings joy to the hearts of the young and young-at-heart everywhere, at least until the cats jump up and knock candles over, potentially setting the house on fire, or get tangled in discarded gift ribbons.
It all finishes up with New Year's Eve, which admittedly is the one holiday that probably does more damage to us than to our pets.
I don't have any suggestions for what you can do about your waistline, your budget, or how to fit all the holiday shopping and parties in, but I can give you some ideas on how to keep your dogs and cats safe (and keep your house from burning down) through the whole holiday season, starting with Halloween.
You can read the rest -- and see a photo of Kyrie! -- over here.
A photo of a black kitty, a gorgeous DLH, a beautiful Pharaoh ignoring the turkey and then Kyrie enjoying her couch...doesn't get much better than that!
Hallowe'en where I live isn't a problem as the neighborhood is extremely rural, with no small children and not lighted. The town puts on a party at the Fire Barn from 2-5 which is heavily attended. Saves on my buying chocolate candies that alas I end up eating myself so it doesn't go to waste, but rather to waist.
Thanks for the reminder that It's The Season to use Common Sense and keep the 4 leggeds safe.
Posted by: Anne T | 30 October 2008 at 08:00 PM
I had to hide my two black cats yesterday. Since they are "inside" cats, I did not want them sneaking out when the door got opened for trick or treating.
I have heard from others that black cats have been abused from older children on Halloween, so I put the two black beauties in an hidden enclosure.
If I drop any chocolate bits on the floor, I make sure I find them and throw them away least my cats eat any. Vet bills I do not need right now for a careless mistake on my part!
Posted by: Colorado Transplant | 31 October 2008 at 08:00 PM
Just want to tell you there is cat discrimination.
Watch www.popcrunch.com/keith-olbermann-on-snl-video/
It is Saturday night live--with keith olbermann and shows how his kitty is being discriminated against--ha, ha!
Posted by: Colorado Transplant | 01 November 2008 at 08:00 PM