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31 October 2008


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Anne T

A photo of a black kitty, a gorgeous DLH, a beautiful Pharaoh ignoring the turkey and then Kyrie enjoying her couch...doesn't get much better than that!

Hallowe'en where I live isn't a problem as the neighborhood is extremely rural, with no small children and not lighted. The town puts on a party at the Fire Barn from 2-5 which is heavily attended. Saves on my buying chocolate candies that alas I end up eating myself so it doesn't go to waste, but rather to waist.

Thanks for the reminder that It's The Season to use Common Sense and keep the 4 leggeds safe.

Colorado Transplant

I had to hide my two black cats yesterday. Since they are "inside" cats, I did not want them sneaking out when the door got opened for trick or treating.

I have heard from others that black cats have been abused from older children on Halloween, so I put the two black beauties in an hidden enclosure.

If I drop any chocolate bits on the floor, I make sure I find them and throw them away least my cats eat any. Vet bills I do not need right now for a careless mistake on my part!

Colorado Transplant

Just want to tell you there is cat discrimination.

Watch www.popcrunch.com/keith-olbermann-on-snl-video/

It is Saturday night live--with keith olbermann and shows how his kitty is being discriminated against--ha, ha!

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