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26 October 2008


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That's a wonderful story. Thanks for the uplift!

Felix R.Mendez

How about this one as your "heroe of the year."

Kristin M.

I saw this story and have been trying to find out any information as to what happened to them AFTER. They say the dog was "back at the house" the next day: they show him lying on an old mattress outside this burned out little house, all by himself. And those kittens were tiny, too young to be away from mother. Does anyone have any idea what happened to them or to this poor dog? It made me so angry to think they're calling him this "hero" (which he certainly is) but then to just abandon him there after. I hope, particularly with the coverage this got, that someone is doing something.


The mother cat had been lost in the incident, but they found her and the cats and leo have been reunited with the family http://cms.firehouse.com/content/article/article.jsp?id=61438&sectionId=46

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