The next time someone tells me they want to quit their job and become a freelance writer because their job is too stressful... or better yet, they want to become a writer after they "retire"... I'm going to kill them.
And no jury of my peers will convict me. As long as my peers are freelance writers.
That is all.
Isn't it nice that you are something that people aspire to be?
Myself, when I retire or get really stressed about my job prefer to dream of a day when I can go see a shrink about the fact that I can't get on an airplane and get seasick thereby negating my fantasies of going anywhere but by car (and if I don't want to get sick I have to drive the thing!), oh well, different strokes for different folks, lol
Posted by: awytch | 04 September 2008 at 12:21 PM
A and men. (Like Amen, only slightly more so.)
Posted by: Terry Bain | 22 September 2008 at 10:07 PM