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27 August 2008


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Christie Keith

Terrific piece, Kim!


Thanks for blogging this, Christie. I got a lot of great stories in the process of putting it together; it was difficult deciding which ones to include.


Thanks for the admission of depression. It's a hard thing for people to understand. It is my dog that is getting me through my bout.

Colorado Transplant

For me, after my Brandy left this world recently, the only way I could survive, I knew, was to get my two black cats. Depression for me is always lurking around the corner. Just that kind of makeup I have.

Cats have keen senses and have alerted and saved people, also, when danger was around.

Wendy Savino

Can you please direct me to websites that would provide information about aquiring a dog to help alert someone with a seizure disorder of an impending seizure?

Thank you.

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