When Gina, my colleague at Pet Connection, shut down her personal blog, I didn't understand it.
And I'm definitely not shutting mine down. But I understand how it happened, because even right now, during a presidential election, I'm finding it hard to squeeze personal blogging into my schedule.
Which doesn't mean I'm not blogging -- I'm blogging my fingers off, but right now it's mostly over at Pet Connection, with occasional outbursts at DailyKos (although I do almost always post those here, too). I also blog sporadically at AfterElton.com and AfterEllen.com, although nothing recently.
So this is absolutely the most boring post in the history of this blog, but I just wanted to say yes, I live! I even blog! And I will try to do better.
I'm considering taking a semi-vacation for the last two weeks of December and the first week of January. Not going anywhere, just not working. No deadlines. Either getting ahead on my SFGate.com column, or skipping one. Making sure all my other deadlines are finished up by then, and no new ones are set until I've been back at work for a few days.
And anyone who knows me is going, yeah right. We'll believe it when we see it.
Excuse me, I have to go ice my fingers.
Hope your fingers feel better soon. ;)
Posted by: Travis | 27 August 2008 at 02:44 PM
A somewhat off-beat comment, but you just used "scintillating" in this blog and I just used it in an email to you. What are the odds ...
I really must have too much time on my hands!
Posted by: KT | 27 August 2008 at 04:27 PM
Ice your fingers? Sounds kinky.
Posted by: Red | 27 August 2008 at 07:12 PM