I was down at my mom's, and Obama's press conference came on. It was clear from the first sentence that he was going to disavow Rev. Wright.
I almost cried. "Oh no," I said to my mom. "Tell me he isn't going to do this. No, no, no."
And then he did, and then he kept speaking, and about five minutes in, I was nodding.
I'm not going to say it worked on the media or America. I have no idea. I don't know if he fixed a problem that wasn't a problem to me in the first place because hello I DON'T CARE ABOUT WRIGHT AND DON'T MIND WHAT HE SAID even though I don't agree with some of it.
But I understood Obama's problem. I felt he was genuinely hurt and angered. He reminded me what his campaign is about. He addressed the issues and not the man, and he did it in a principled way.
And I started out thinking he shouldn't do it at all.
Go figure.
In other news: Obama can fly. Who knew?
I'm currently having that argument with the man. He agrees with you, for the most part, and thinks Obama played right into the hands of the "fucking media". I think it was necessary, unfortunately. He did appear to be very upset, and I've noticed that he tends to lose his words when he's pissed. Yet, he did it in the best possible way that he could, with dignity. My hope is that the next idjit that asks him about this is handed his ass on a platter.
I'm bored with this subject. Four soldiers died yesterday. I found out about it at DKos, not the effing MSM. Gas is ridiculous, bordering on scary. Coffee costs damn near 13 dollars. Can I get a witness?
Posted by: Red | 29 April 2008 at 10:56 PM
Sing it sister.
Posted by: Christie | 30 April 2008 at 01:20 AM