I still don't understand why the media people are angry or upset at what Rev. Wright said in any sermon or speech he ever gave. Do I agree with every single word he uttered? No, but I've been known to argue with myself about stuff; is there anyone alive I agree with on everything? Absolutely not.
It's been suggested (that's what journalists say when we heard it somewhere but can't remember where) that white people Americans feel hurt and attacked by some of his comments on race. Well, welcome to my world.
For my entire fucking adult life I've been listening to religious leaders condemning me to the fiery pits of hell for being a lesbian. I've heard nationally prominent pastors with TV shows and the ear of presidents bluntly state AIDS is "God's punishment on homosexuals" (note to right wing Christians: most people with AIDS are and were heterosexual. Your "god" has bad aim).
John McCain has courted, received, and bragged about the endorsement of virulent homophobe John Hagee, who said Hurricane Katrina was god's punishment on the City of New Orleans for planning a gay pride parade (see note above about aim, kthnx). He also doesn't like Catholics, Muslims, or the nation of Iran. And not so fond of women, either; in his book "What Every Man Wants in a Woman," he said, "Do you know the difference between a woman with PMS and a snarling Doberman pinscher? The answer is lipstick. Do you know the difference between a terrorist and a woman with PMS? You can negotiate with a terrorist."
So, I'm sitting around listening to this guy, this pastor of a Texas mega-church who has endorsed a grateful John McCain, this powerful and influential man, say:
"It [Gay marriage] will open the door to incest, to polygamy, and every conceivable marriage arrangement demented minds can possibly conceive. If God does not then punish America, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah."
And this:
"It is impossible to call yourself a Christian and defend homosexuality. There is no justification or acceptance of homosexuality.... Homosexuality means the death of society because homosexuals can recruit, but they cannot reproduce."
And this:
"The military will have difficultly recruiting healthy and strong heterosexuals for combat purposes. Why? Fighting in combat with a man in your fox hole that has AIDS or is HIV positive is double jeopardy."
Then there's another McCain endorser and a man he has called a "spiritual advisor," Rev. Rod Parsley. His enlightened view of the gays:
"Gay sexuality inevitably involves brutal physical abusiveness and the unnatural imposition of alien substances into internal organs, orally and anally, that inevitably suppress the immune system and heighten susceptibility to disease."
So, now the media everyone is all upset that Rev. Wright was mean to the poor widdle white people?
Boo fucking hoo.
**"Gay sexuality inevitably involves brutal physical abusiveness and the unnatural imposition of alien substances into internal organs, orally and anally, that inevitably suppress the immune system and heighten susceptibility to disease." **
Brutal? Alien substances? Okay, so straight women are also susceptible to these aliens too, right? And what's with the brutal? Guess they don't watch straight porn.
As far as Rev. Wright goes, I was okay with most of what he said, and has said. Yesterday, not so much. I thought it was rather mean-spirited. In the same vein, Americans feeling hurt by the so-called "racist" comments...I invite them to walk a day in my shoes.
Most of the people that pissed and moaned about Wright's comments have never been followed around a store, ignored at a restaurant, turned down for a job once the visual didn't match the audio, etc. They've probably also never been told they're going to hell, or die, because of who they are, that they're "disgusting, immoral, amoral, ruining civilization as we know it, etc. Ignorance is fear of that which we don't understand. I keep hoping that the light will go on, but I guess darkness is preferable to the truth.
Posted by: Red | 29 April 2008 at 04:21 PM