I was driving my mom home from a doctor's appointment, and she asked how things were going on Daily Kos while she was having her procedure done. (Yes, my 72-year-old mother was having DKos withdrawal symptoms.)
So I started telling her how the sky was falling because Obama had gone over to the Dark Side of the Force on Fox News, and first I said more or less what I said in the post immediately before this one, and then I said something like this:
If you're talking about the pundits on Fox, the "hosts," and Fox News as a corporate entity, then there's no argument to be made. Obama did legitimate them by going on the show, and he did get shit on his shoes. There's no question.
But this isn't about Fox News the corporation or the braying jackass hosts on Fox. It's about the people who watch Fox News.
Let me tell you how brilliant it would be for Obama to have "gone after" Fox and called them on being a right wing propaganda/smear machine. It would have been Bittergate times ten thousand. Because he'd have basically been saying that all you people are too stooopid to realize what Fox is. Too stooopid to know when you're being played. Too stooopid to know that your favorite trusted network is lying to you.
Oh yeah, that would have been great.
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