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08 February 2008


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Lending credence to the above is an article that published in K-9 Magazine well over a year ago: What Have the American Kennel Club (AKC) Been Up To Then?

The article details how the Club abandoned its original philosophy and, instead, focused in on the ability to generate revenue from the registration of dogs at the mass breeding facilities, such as The Hunte Corporation, along with the stores who sell puppy mill inventory: PetLand.

Here's the link: http://tinyurl.com/2da549

With AKC now having its own political PAC and using it to block any and all legislation that would create or better minimum health and welfare standards for dogs trapped in the commercial breeding mills, one must wonder: is AKC in business for the dogs or for the money?

Unfortunately, the answer to that question is all too apparent.... even to breeders.

Give Hope to the Mill Dogs


North Penn Puppy Mill Watch

Visit Us Online: www.nppmwatch.com


Never underestimate the power of greed. Doing the right thing, when convenient and profitable, is the unwritten motto of many American corporations.

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