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04 January 2008


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I'm glad that I decided at the last minute to work from home today. I heard that the BART was horrible. Luckily, my power stayed on all day! Though it did go out for a second overnight...I only knew because when I woke up this morning the computers had reset themselves.


Yuck! And on one of my Davis days too -- of course, the power went off at 9am, but whatever. Two houses two blocks away had their back halves taken out by a tree. This storm sucks!

Oh yeah ... and the grrls are royally PO'ed about life with falling water ;)


Tell me about the weather! This is my first time in San Francisco (I'm here for work at a conference) and I won't really be able to walk around and see the city. Like your dogs, I don't like walking around in the rain either.

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