I'm not in LA yet, although I will be in a couple of hours. KT got down there today and stood in the rain taking pictures of Xena fans marching in support of the striking WGA writers. I'm not officially liveblogging at AfterEllen.com until tomorrow, and I guess since I'm not even there it would be pushing it to call this "live" at all, so hey... it's a photo story! Click on the images to view them at full size.
Renee O'Connor getting rained on... I can hardly bear the angst:
Xena producer Rob Tapert (also Lucy Lawless' husband) with Renee on the picket line:
Out lesbian Xena writer and producer Liz Friedman, currently on strike from her House writing job:
Liz on the far left, Rob, Renee, and Xena and Army Wives writer Katherine Fugate:
Unnamed striker battles on:
See you all tomorrow at AfterEllen.com!